New paper

You can find below our recently accepted work at IEEE Access regarding “Distributed Maze Exploration Using Multiple Agents and Optimal Goal Assignment”, authored by M. Linardakis, I. Varlamis and G. Th. Papadopoulos. Many existing approaches to robotic exploration adopt optimization techniques through the development of multi-agent systems; however, such methods often overlook critical real-world factors, […]

Ceasefire 5th physical plenary meeting

We’re thrilled to share that our 5th physical plenary meeting was a success! Our team came together in Heraklion, Greece, during September 16 and 17, at the facilities of our partner, FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas), to discuss progress, share ideas, and plan for the future of our innovative system. A special highlight […]

Advances in Diffusion Models for Image Data Augmentation

You can find below (in arXiv format) our recent work on “Advances in Diffusion Models for Image Data Augmentation: A Review of Methods, Models, Evaluation Metrics and Future Research Directions”, authored by P. Alimisis, I. Mademlis, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, P. Sarigiannidis and G. Th. Papadopoulos. Image data augmentation constitutes a critical methodology in modern computer vision […]

Technical description of the Ceasefire system and its use-cases

You can check in the article below a technical description of the technologies behind the Ceasefire Project platform that aims at tackling various types of cyber- and physical-world firearms trafficking, making use of advanced AI technologies. The manuscript is written so as to target the non-that-much IT-background audience.

New project alert

Happy to be informed today that our proposal named TORNADO: “foundaTion mOdels for Robots that haNdle smAll, soft and Deformable Objects” has been selected to be funded by the EC. The proposal was submitted under the competitive call HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-03, received a 14.5/15 grade and I will be acting as the project coordinator. TORNADO will develop […]

Computer Vision group

You can find below the LinkedIn page of our Computer Vision group at the Department of Informatics and Telematics of the Harokopio University of Athens, Greece. You can follow the page to receive news about our research activities.

Call for papers Big Data 2024

IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2024 December 15-18, 2024Washington DC, USA(remote participation is possible) Workshop title: “2nd workshop on Big Data applications for fight against crime and terrorism”Link: deadline: Sept 20, 2024Supported by Ceasefire Project (Not complete list of) relevant research topics: Big Data applications, machine learning models, virtual assistants, machine vision, natural […]

EEITE 2024 conference presentation

Happy to deliver today a keynote speech at international conference in Electronic Engineering, Information Technology & Education (EEITE) 2024 conference, entitled “Deployment of computer vision technologies in the public security domain”. The presentation largely focused on the research results achieved by the Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University within the context of the Ceasefire […]

SMI2G 2024

Happy to participate to this year’s SMI2G brokerage event in Paris, looking forward during these 2 days to discuss ideas and to build synergies for the upcoming EC security call for proposals.