
On going

2023 – Today


Title: Strengthening EU asset recovery and sanction tracing against transnational high-level corruption

Framework-topic: ISF-AG-CORRUPT

Duration: 2023-2025

Role: Senior researcher, Scientific responsible

2023 – Today


Title: Reliable biomeTric tEhNologies to asSist Police authorities in cOmbating terrorism and oRganized crime

Framework-topic: HEU-FCT-IA

Duration: 2022-2025

Role: Senior researcher

2022 – Today


Title: Advanced versatile artificial intelligence technologies and interconnected cross-sectoral fully-operational national focal points for combating illicit firearms trafficking,

Framework-topic: HEU-FCT-IA

Duration: 2022-2025

Role:  Technical manager, Scientific responsible

2022 – Today


Title: Orchestrating next-generation mobile modular laboratories for pandemic monitoring preparedness

Framework-topic: HEU-DRS-IA

Duration: 2022-2025

Role: Senior researcher, Scientific responsible


2022 – 2023


Title: Versatile artificial intelligence investigative technologies for revealing online cross-border financing activities of terrorism

Framework-topic: ISFP-AG-TERFIN

Duration: 2022-2023

Role: Technical manager

2021 – 2021


Title: 5G ExPerimentation Infrastructure hosting Cloud-nativE Netapps for public proTection and disaster RElief

Framework-topic: H2020-ICT-IA

Duration: 2021-2023

Role: Senior researcher

2020 – 2021


Title: Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space

Framework-topic: H2020-ICT-IA

Duration: 2020-2022

Role: Senior researcher

2018 – 2019


Title: Hybrid Human-Robot RECYcling plant for electriCal and eLEctRonic equipment

Framework-topic: H2020-FOF-RIA

Duration: 2018-2022

Role: Deputy coordinator

2018 – 2019


Title: Advanced tools for fighting oNline Illegal TrAfficking

Framework-topic: H2020-FCT RIA

Duration: 2018-2021

Role: Technical manager

2018 – 2019


Title: Application development for the conversion of Greek sign language into written and spoken language using smart devices

Framework-topic: GSRT

Duration: 2018-2020

Role: Deputy technical manager

2016 – 2019


Title: Detecting and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and financing activities

Framework-topic: H2020-FCT IA

Duration: 2016-2019

Role: Technical manager

2014 – 2018


Title: Large Scale Information Exploitation of Forensic Data

Framework-topic: FP7 SEC – IP

Duration: 2014-2017

Role: Deputy technical manager

2013– 2016


Title: Reusable low-cost platform for digitizing and preserving traditional participative sports

Framework-topic: FP7 STREP

Duration: 2013-2016

Role: Senior researcher

2012 – 2015


Title: Real and Virtual Engagement in Realistic Immersive Environments

Framework-topic: FP7 ICT–IP

Duration: 2011-2015

Role: Senior researcher

2012 – 2015


Title: The Collective Experience of Empathic Data Systems

Framework-topic: FP7 ICT – FET IP

Duration: 2010-2014

Role: Senior researcher

2009 – 2011


Title: Event-based Retrieval of Networked Media

Framework-topic: FP7 IST IP

Duration: 2009-2012

Role: Junior researcher

2007 – 2010


Title: Interactive semantic video search with a large thesaurus of machine learned audio-visual concepts

Framework-topic: FP6 IST STREP

Duration: 2007-2010

Role: Junior researcher

2006 – 2009


Title: Multimedia Semantic Syndication for Enhanced News Services

Framework-topic: FP6 IST IP

Duration: 2006-2009

Role: Junior researcher

2006 – 2008


Title: Knowledge Space of Semantic Inference for Automatic Annotation and Retrieval of Multimedia Content

Framework-topic: FP6 IST NoE

Duration: 2006-2008

Role: Junior researcher

2006 – 2008


Title: Analysis of Multimedia Content using Evolutionary Ontologies and Application to Television News Bulletins

Framework-topic: GSRT

Duration: 2006-2008

Role: Junior researcher

2006 – 2007


Title: Integrating knowledge, semantics and content for user centered intelligent media services

Framework-topic: FP6 IST IP

Duration: 2004-2007

Role: Junior researcher

2023 – Today

KLEPTOTRACE: Strengthening EU asset recovery and sanction tracing against transnational high-level corruption, ISF-AG-CORRUPT, 2023-2025. (Senior researcherScientific responsible)

2023 – Today

TENSOR: Reliable biomeTric tEhNologies to asSist Police authorities in cOmbating terrorism and oRganized crime, HEU-FCT-IA, 2022-2025. (Senior researcher)

2022 – Today

Ceasefire: Advanced versatile artificial intelligence technologies and interconnected cross-sectoral fully-operational national focal points for combating illicit firearms trafficking, HEU-FCT-IA, 2022-2025. (Technical managerScientific responsible)

2023 – Today

ONELAB: Orchestrating next-generation mobile modular laboratories for pandemic monitoring preparedness, HEU-DRS-IA, 2022-2025.
(Senior researcherScientific responsible)

2023 – Today

Anti-FinTer: Versatile artificial intelligence investigative technologies for revealing online cross-border financing activities of terrorism, ISFP-AG-TERFIN, 2022-2023. (Technical manager)

2021 – 2021

5G-EPICENTRE: 5G ExPerimentation Infrastructure hosting Cloud-nativE Netapps for public proTection and disaster RElief, H2020-ICT-IA, 2021-2023. (Senior researcher)

2020 – 2021

TRUSTS: Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space, H2020-ICT-IA, 2020-2022. (Senior researcher)

2018 – 2019

HR-Recycler: Hybrid Human-Robot RECYcling plant for electriCal and eLEctRonic equipment, H2020-FOF-RIA, 2018-2022. (Deputy coordinator)

2018 – 2019

ANITA: Advanced tools for fighting oNline Illegal TrAfficking, H2020-FCT RIA, 2018-2021. (Technical manager)

2018 – 2019

Επικοινωνώ: Application development for the conversion of Greek sign language into written and spoken language using smart devices, GSRT, 2018-2020. (Deputy technical manager)

2016 – 2019

DANTE: Detecting and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and financing activities, H2020-FCT IA, 2016-2019. (Technical manager)

2014 – 2018

LASIE: Large Scale Information Exploitation of Forensic Data, FP7 SEC – IP, 2014-2017. (Deputy technical manager)

2013– 2016

RePlay: Reusable low-cost platform for digitizing and preserving traditional participative sports, FP7 STREP, 2013-2016. (Senior researcher)

2012 – 2015

REVERIE: Real and Virtual Engagement in Realistic Immersive Environments, FP7 ICT – IP, 2011-2015. (Senior researcher)

2012 – 2015

CEEDs: The Collective Experience of Empathic Data Systems, FP7 ICT – FET IP, 2010-2014. (Senior researcher)

2009 – 2011

GLOCAL: Event-based Retrieval of Networked Media, FP7 IST IP, 2009-2012. (Junior researcher)

2007 – 2010

Vidi-video: Interactive semantic video search with a large thesaurus of machine learned audio-visual concepts, FP6 IST STREP, 2007-2010. (Junior researcher)

2006 – 2009

MESH: Multimedia Semantic Syndication for Enhanced News Services, FP6 IST IP, 2006-2009. (Junior researcher)

2006 – 2008

K-Space: Knowledge Space of Semantic Inference for Automatic Annotation and Retrieval of Multimedia Content, FP6 IST NoE, 2006-2008.
(Junior researcher)

2006 – 2008

DELTIO: Analysis of Multimedia Content using Evolutionary Ontologies and Application to Television News Bulletins, GSRT 2006-2008.
(Junior researcher)

2006 – 2007

aceMedia: Integrating knowledge, semantics and content for user centered intelligent media services, FP6 IST IP, 2004-2007. (Junior researcher)