Respond A Project Advisory latest updates
Happy to be a member of the Respond A Project Advisory Board and to receive the latest updates of the project developments. Promising technologies are being evaluated for supporting the operational activities of first-responders and a dense plan of field trials to be implemented ahead.
SANCUS Project
Happy to be a member of the SANCUS Project Advisory Board and to be informed about the project’s ongoing activities, aiming at developing sophisticated software suites for evaluating the security of 5G systems. Promising solutions were presented and interesting discussions took place today.
“Anti-FinTer” proposal has been accepted
Happy to share that our proposal “Anti-FinTer” (Versatile artificial intelligence investigative technologies for revealing online cross-border financing activities of terrorism) has been accepted to be granted by the EC Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP). Looking forward to the implementation phase! Project partners: AIT, FORTH, VICOMTECH, IANUS, CFLW, UL, FNTT, AGENCIATRIBUTARIA, PJ, GDBOP, MOF