TRIFFID Physical Kick off meeting

Happy to host today and tomorrow at the premises of the Harokopio University of Athens the kick-off meeting of TRIFFID Project (auTonomous Robotic aId For increasing FIrst responDers efficiency), where I have the honor to act as the project coordinator. Very fruitful discussions take place and looking forward to the implementation phase.

GANNDALF Kick off meeting

Happy to participate today and tomorrow to the kick-off meeting of project GANNDALF (A Ground-breAking collaboratioN framework realizing the next era of cybercrime Detection And muLtistakeholder investigation For LEAs, judicial ecosystems, and citizens.), hosted by Polish Platform for Homeland Security in Warsaw, Poland. Looking forward to the implementation phase.

ARMADILLO kick-off meeting

Happy to participate on the 3rd and 4th of October to the kick-off meeting of project ARMADILLO (Accurate Reliable Portable and Rapid Methods And Technologies for DetectIon of GHB Substances and Prevention Against Different Forms of VioLence and AssauLt SuppOrted by These Drugs), hosted by the National Centre For Scientific Research “Demokritos” in Athens, Greece. […]

TRIFFID Virtual Kick off meeting

Yesterday and today we organized the (virtual) kick-off meeting of project TRIFFID (auTonomous Robotic aId For increasing FIrst responDers efficiency), where I have the honor to act as the project coordinator. Very fruitful discussions took place and looking forward to the implementation phase.

Ceasefire 5th physical plenary meeting

We’re thrilled to share that our 5th physical plenary meeting was a success! Our team came together in Heraklion, Greece, during September 16 and 17, at the facilities of our partner, FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas), to discuss progress, share ideas, and plan for the future of our innovative system. A special highlight […]

Technical description of the Ceasefire system and its use-cases

You can check in the article below a technical description of the technologies behind the Ceasefire Project platform that aims at tackling various types of cyber- and physical-world firearms trafficking, making use of advanced AI technologies. The manuscript is written so as to target the non-that-much IT-background audience.

New project alert

Happy to be informed today that our proposal named TORNADO: “foundaTion mOdels for Robots that haNdle smAll, soft and Deformable Objects” has been selected to be funded by the EC. The proposal was submitted under the competitive call HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-03, received a 14.5/15 grade and I will be acting as the project coordinator. TORNADO will develop […]

EEITE 2024 conference presentation

Happy to deliver today a keynote speech at international conference in Electronic Engineering, Information Technology & Education (EEITE) 2024 conference, entitled “Deployment of computer vision technologies in the public security domain”. The presentation largely focused on the research results achieved by the Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University within the context of the Ceasefire […]

Ceasefire 1st Review

Yesterday the Ceasefire project underwent its formal review for the first reporting period. The consortium members successfully demonstrated the achieved research results for all 5 supported use-cases, including live demos for all developed modules as well as the integrated platform. The project received excellent comments from the external reviewers and the EC-appointed project officer. The […]