Call for papers Big Data 2024

IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2024 December 15-18, 2024Washington DC, USA(remote participation is possible) Workshop title: “2nd workshop on Big Data applications for fight against crime and terrorism”Link: deadline: Sept 20, 2024Supported by Ceasefire Project (Not complete list of) relevant research topics: Big Data applications, machine learning models, virtual assistants, machine vision, natural […]

EEITE 2024 conference presentation

Happy to deliver today a keynote speech at international conference in Electronic Engineering, Information Technology & Education (EEITE) 2024 conference, entitled “Deployment of computer vision technologies in the public security domain”. The presentation largely focused on the research results achieved by the Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University within the context of the Ceasefire […]

SMI2G 2024

Happy to participate to this year’s SMI2G brokerage event in Paris, looking forward during these 2 days to discuss ideas and to build synergies for the upcoming EC security call for proposals.

Ceasefire 1st Review

Yesterday the Ceasefire project underwent its formal review for the first reporting period. The consortium members successfully demonstrated the achieved research results for all 5 supported use-cases, including live demos for all developed modules as well as the integrated platform. The project received excellent comments from the external reviewers and the EC-appointed project officer. The […]

Plenary speech at the forthcoming EEITE’24 conference

Happy to share that I will be delivering a plenary speech at the forthcoming EEITE’24 conference (, entitled “Deployment of computer vision technologies in the public security domain”. The talk will mainly focus on the research outcomes in the area of computer vision (and in particular on large-scale (Big Data) visual analysis and X-ray image […]

Ceasefire Tools & Use Case Demonstration – Part A – Online Training

Stay tuned for news about the hashtag Ceasefire project’s “Ceasefire Tools & Use Case Demonstration – Part A – Online Training” sesion, on April 18th, 2023. It will delve deep into the functionalities and applications of CEASEFIRE’s advanced tools for aiding Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in their fight against illicit firearms trafficking. See more about […]

Speaker at the Codeweek event

Happy to participate as a speaker to the Codeweek event (organized by Group), where I will present recent technological advancements in the area of “Computer vision technologies in the security domain”. The presentation will summarize research achievements stemming out from the EC RnD project Ceasefire Project. Feel free to connect using the details below. […]

Open Days HUA 2024

On the 27th and 28th of March, the research team of HUA presented scientific results of the Ceasefire project, during the “Open Days HUA 2024” event organized by the Harokopio University of Athens for secondary school students. The presentation included live demos of the developed computer vision technologies, regarding X-ray-based illicit object detection and illegal […]

3 successful EC-funded security proposals

Happy to share that in the recent call for EC-funded security proposals, I have been involved in the following 3 successful attempts: Particularly excited for TRIFFID, where I will serve as the project coordinator. In the coming period, multiple research vacancies (for BSc/MSc/PhD holders) will be announced, so individuals interested in artificial intelligence, computer vision, […]