INVITED TALK ALERT | Dr. Efstratios Gavves
We are very happy to share that Dr. Efstratios Gavves (Assoc. Prof. at University of Amsterdam) will visit our department for an invited talk regarding “Grounding Foundation Models in Reality with Physics- and Causality-informed World Models”. Logistics:đź“… Date: Thursday Nov-21, 7pm (Greece time)🏢 Location: Auditorium hall (1st floor), Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University, […]
TRIFFID Physical Kick off meeting
Happy to host today and tomorrow at the premises of the Harokopio University of Athens the kick-off meeting of TRIFFID Project (auTonomous Robotic aId For increasing FIrst responDers efficiency), where I have the honor to act as the project coordinator. Very fruitful discussions take place and looking forward to the implementation phase.
6 papers accepted to IEEE Big Data 2024
Happy to share that I am a co-author of 6 papers accepted to IEEE Big Data 2024, in the context of the “2nd workshop on Big Data Applications for Fight against Crime and Terrorism”, organized by the Ceasefire Project. The works: List of papers:
GANNDALF Kick off meeting
Happy to participate today and tomorrow to the kick-off meeting of project GANNDALF (A Ground-breAking collaboratioN framework realizing the next era of cybercrime Detection And muLtistakeholder investigation For LEAs, judicial ecosystems, and citizens.), hosted by Polish Platform for Homeland Security in Warsaw, Poland. Looking forward to the implementation phase.
ARMADILLO kick-off meeting
Happy to participate on the 3rd and 4th of October to the kick-off meeting of project ARMADILLO (Accurate Reliable Portable and Rapid Methods And Technologies for DetectIon of GHB Substances and Prevention Against Different Forms of VioLence and AssauLt SuppOrted by These Drugs), hosted by the National Centre For Scientific Research “Demokritos” in Athens, Greece. […]
BSc thesis defence
I am thrilled and proud to congratulate Jorgen C. on successfully defending today his BSc thesis entitled “Scan image analysis using deep learning techniques”, under my supervision! Jorgen explored the applicability of deep neural network architectures in fine-grained security X-ray image analysis tasks (object detection), involving experimentation with Vision Transformer, CNN and Hybrid models. During […]
Applied Federated Model Personalization in the Industrial Domain
You can find below our recently published journal article in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, entitled “Applied Federated Model Personalization in the Industrial Domain: A Comparative Study” and authored by I. Siniosoglou, V. Argyriou, G. Fragulis, P. Fouliras, G. Th. Papadopoulos, A. Lytos and P. Sarigiannidis. The study proposes an advanced Federated Learning […]
TRIFFID Virtual Kick off meeting
Yesterday and today we organized the (virtual) kick-off meeting of project TRIFFID (auTonomous Robotic aId For increasing FIrst responDers efficiency), where I have the honor to act as the project coordinator. Very fruitful discussions took place and looking forward to the implementation phase.
Doctoral student vacancies
The Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University and the University of Amsterdam offer multiple positions for doctoral students in the research fields of computer vision and robotics. The PhD theses will be jointly supervised by Ass. Prof. Georgios Th. Papadopoulos and Assoc. Prof. Efstratios Gavves. The selected candidates will receive funding from relevant European […]
New paper
You can find below our recently accepted work in IEEE Access, entitled “Multimodal Explainable Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Review of Methodological Advances and Future Research Directions” and authored by N. Rodis, C. Sardianos, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, P. Sarigiannidis, I. Varlamis and Georgios Th. Papadopoulos. The current study focuses on systematically analyzing the recent advances in the […]