Ceasefire’s 2nd physical plenary meeting
On April 4-5, Ceasefire had its 2nd physical plenary meeting in Poland, at the premises of the Provincial Police Headquarters in Gdansk, which is a partner of the project consortium. Members of Ceasefire exchanged ideas and shared progress on this exciting project about combating firearms trafficking, discussing next actions and planning future work.
Workshop on “Europol’s new role in Horizon Europe”
On 14 March 2023, Ceasefire participated in CERIS (the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security) FCT workshop on “Europol’s new role in Horizon Europe”, in Brussels, Belgium. The project was represented by its coordinator CERTH (Mr. Georgios Stavropoulos) and its technical manager HUA (Prof. Georgios Th. Papadopoulos), taking part in a fruitful exchange […]
FCT workshop in Brussels
Attending today in Brussels the CERIS (the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security) FCT workshop on “Europol’s new role in Horizon Europe”, representing FCT projects Ceasefire Project and TENSOR.
Kick-off meeting of TENSOR in Athens
Happy to participate the last two days to the kick-off meeting of the EC-funded FCT project “Reliable biometric technologies to assist police authorities in combating terrorism and organized crime” (TENSOR). The meeting was hosted at the premises of Netcompany-Intrasoft in Athens, Greece. The overall goal is to provide law-enforcement agencies a platform that will facilitate […]
“Modern technologies for combating terrorism financing” seminar
Ceasefire was present on February 7, 2023, in Athens, Greece, at the 2-day seminar “Modern technologies for combating terrorism financing”, supported by ISFP sister projects Anti-FinTer and CTC Project. The technical manager, George Th. Papadopoulos (Harokopio University of Athens), presented Ceasefire on behalf of the project consortium.
The project “KLEPTOTRACE” got accepted
Happy to share that we are involved in one more Internal Security Fund (ISF) accepted proposal! The project is entitled KLEPTOTRACE (“Strengthening EU asset recovery and sanction tracing against transnational high-level corruption”) and will receive funding under topic ISF-2022-TF1-AG-CORRUPT. Overall, KLEPTOTRACE will boost the investigation, tracing and recovery of assets related to transnational high-level corruption, […]
Kick-off meeting of Ceasefire in Thessaloniki
Happy to participate last week to the kick-off meeting of EC-funded FCT project “Advanced versatile artificial intelligence technologies and interconnected cross-sectoral fully-operational national focal points for combating illicit firearms trafficking” (Ceasefire Project), where I serve as the project’s technical manager. The meeting was hosted at the premises of Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) […]
Kick-off meeting of Ceasefire Online
Happy to participate today to the kick-off meeting of EC-funded FCT project “Advanced versatile artificial intelligence technologies and interconnected cross-sectoral fully-operational national focal points for combating illicit firearms trafficking” (Ceasefire), where I serve as the project’s technical manager. The overall goal is to develop efficient and reliable AI-enabled technologies to combat firearms trafficking, supporting both […]
First community event of the Anti-FinTer ISFP project
Happy for participating this week in the first major community event of the Anti-FinTer ISFP project, held at the premises of IEF. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales in Madrid, Spain. Among other activities, the project event focused on: a) Delivering training courses (through the project’s first “Knowledge Hub Meeting”) regarding crypto-assets and dark web analytics fundamentals, […]
EC-funded security proposals
Happy to share that in the recent call for EC-funded security proposals, I have been involved in the following 3 successful attempts: Pleased to having coordinated the Ceasefire preparation activities. So, lots of interesting ideas/innovations to implement and many nice partners to collaborate ahead!