BSc thesis defence

I am thrilled and proud to congratulate Jorgen C. on successfully defending today his BSc thesis entitled “Scan image analysis using deep learning techniques”, under my supervision!

Jorgen explored the applicability of deep neural network architectures in fine-grained security X-ray image analysis tasks (object detection), involving experimentation with Vision Transformer, CNN and Hybrid models.

During his thesis, Jorgen has contributed to the following scientific publications:

  • J. Cani et al., “Illicit object detection in X-ray images using Vision Transformers” (2024) doi: 10.1109/EEITE61750.2024.10654433
  • S. Konstantakos et al., “Self-supervised visual learning in the low-data regime: a comparative evaluation” (2024) arXiv: arXiv:2404.17202. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2404.17202
  • J. Cani et al., “CEASEFIRE: An AI-powered system for combatting illicit firearms trafficking” (2024) arXiv: arXiv:2406.14949. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2406.14949
  • A. Stefanidou et al., “Leveraging Digital Twin Technologies for Public Space Protection and Vulnerability Assessment” arXiv: arXiv:2408.17136. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2408.17136

Excited to see the planned publication of his thesis extension (including more experiments, extensive analysis and discussion on model performance) and wishing him good luck with the continuation of his studies (MPhil degree) at the Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University.

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BSc thesis defence

I am thrilled and proud to congratulate Jorgen C. on successfully defending today his BSc thesis entitled “Scan image analysis using deep learning techniques”, under

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