3 successful EC-funded security proposals

Happy to share that in the recent call for EC-funded security proposals, I have been involved in the following 3 successful attempts: Particularly excited for TRIFFID, where I will serve as the project coordinator. In the coming period, multiple research vacancies (for BSc/MSc/PhD holders) will be announced, so individuals interested in artificial intelligence, computer vision, […]

Call for papers EEITE ’24

5th International Conference in Electronic Engineering Information Technology & Education (EEITE’24)May 29-31, 2024Chania, Crete, Greece Special session title: Modern Biometric Technologies for Secure Authentication and Identity Verification Paper submission deadline: Feb 29, 2024

Neural natural language processing for long texts

You can find below our recently published work on “Neural natural language processing for long texts: A survey on classification and summarization”, accepted for publication at Elsevier Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. The work comprises an introductory exploration to document analysis using modern Deep Neural Networks, addressing the primary challenges, concerns and existing solutions, while […]

IEEE Big Data 2023 conference

Happy to participate today to the IEEE Big Data 2023 conference and to present the following 3 works of my team, while contributing to a workshop dedicated to fighting crime and terorrism organized by Ceasefire Project (I also presented work carried out within the Anti-FinTer project):

Junior Researcher

The Department of Informatics and Telematics of the Harokopio University of Athens offers a full-time vacancy for a junior researcher position in the area of computer vision technologies.

The position activities will focus on the application of various Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine/deep learning solutions to image analysis tasks. The selected candidate will receive funding from relevant EC research projects.

Call for papers EEITE ’24

5th International Conference in Electronic Engineering, Information Technology & Education (EEITE’24) May 29-31, 2024Chania, Crete, Greece Special session title: Modern Biometric Technologies for Secure Authentication and Identity VerificationLink: https://eeite2024.hmu.gr/ss-2/Paper submission deadline: Feb 29, 2024 Supported by TENSOR project (Not complete list of) relevant research topics: Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Microwave, Millimeter wave […]

Call for papers IEEE Big Data 2023

IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2023December 15-18, 2023Sorrento, Italy Workshop title: “Big Data applications for fight against crime and terrorism”Link: https://bda4fct.iti.gr/#hero-sectionSubmission deadline: Oct 1, 2023 Supported by Ceasefire Project (Not complete list of) relevant research topics: Big Data applications, machine learning models, virtual assistants, machine vision, natural language processing, audio analysis, multimedia analysis, neural […]

Multimodal Explainable Artificial Intelligence

You can find below (in arXiv format) our recent work on “Multimodal Explainable Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Review of Methodological Advances and Future Research Directions”. The study systematically analyzes the landscape of multimodal-XAI, taking into account (among others) the following criteria: a) The number of the involved modalities, b) The stage at which explanations are […]

EMPACT Firearms strategic meeting

Ceasefire activities regarding tackling firearms trafficking were successfully presented at the EMPACT Firearms strategic meeting, organized by Europol on June 15. The project was represented by its technical manager, Georgios Th. Papadopoulos from Harokopio University of Athens. Interesting discussions paved the ground for future collaborative activities.