New project alert

Happy to be informed today that our proposal named TORNADO: “foundaTion mOdels for Robots that haNdle smAll, soft and Deformable Objects” has been selected to be funded by the EC.

The proposal was submitted under the competitive call HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-03, received a 14.5/15 grade and I will be acting as the project coordinator.

TORNADO will develop an innovative, multi-functional and adaptive cloud robotics platform, supporting advanced navigation of an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) within complex, time-varying, real-world, human-populated indoor environments, while largely leveraging the zero-shot generalization abilities of deep neural Foundation Models (FMs) for robotics.

Multiple vacancies for post-doc and PhD researchers will become available (interested individuals can send me their CVs at, regarding the following topics:

  • Dynamic semantic 3D SLAM
  • On-line adjustment mechanisms for Foundation Models in robotics
  • Adaptive cognitive pipeline management for Foundation Models
  • On-demand Learning-from-Demonstration
  • AI for real-time semantic environment perception
  • AI for sound analysis and verbal communication
  • Human behavior analysis, modeling and anticipation
  • XAI-equipped AR-based human-robot interface

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New project alert

Happy to be informed today that our proposal named TORNADO: “foundaTion mOdels for Robots that haNdle smAll, soft and Deformable Objects” has been selected to

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