Research results of the Department of Information and Telematics

Today several of our group members participated in the seminar series “Research results of the Department of Information and Telematics”, organized by the Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University.

Our colleagues presented part of the group’s research activities and our active RnD projects, including the following presentations:

  • Jorgen C.: Detecting illicit items in X-ray images using deep learning techniques
  • Konstantinos Bikas: Optical remote sensing using deep learning methods
  • Artemis Stefanidou: Foundation models in computer vision
  • Jorgen C.: Self-supervised visual learning in the low-data regime
  • Georgios Levantinos: Raman spectroscopy image analysis for sample chemical composition determination
  • Konstantinos Foteinos: Vision-based hand gesture recognition
  • Manousos Linardakis: Distributed multi-agent maze exploration
  • Panagiotis koletsis: Entity recognition in financial data using large language models
  • Artemis Stefanidou: Digital twin technologies for public space protection

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